Updated August 2023
Each sport, activity, and club operating at Liberty North is required to have an Eagle Club Parent Representative (Parent Representative). This person’s most fundamental job is to act as the liaison between Eagle Club and their group. This position is referred to as “Activity Chairperson” in our bylaws.
The Eagle Club Parent Representative must be a parent, legal guardian, or club sponsor, who must meet the responsibilities outlined below. Any questions about these duties should be directed to the Eagle Club President.
All contact information, bylaws, and Standing Rules for the Eagle Club may be found on the Eagle Club website at www.lnhseagleclub.com.
Be a member of Eagle Club.
Be a parent or legal guardian of a student CURRENTLY enrolled at Liberty North High School.
Be appointed by the coach/sponsor of the group and serve a one-year term. PR’s may not serve more than two consecutive years without written approval from the Athletic Director to the Eagle Club President.
Attend monthly Eagle Club meetings to represent their sport/activity. If they cannot attend, they will send a representative in their place.
Ensure that as many parents and students as possible from the club become Eagle Club members during the fall membership drive, communicating the mission of Eagle Club to their group’s families.
Ensure that all coaches/sponsors from their group are members of Eagle Club.
Communicate any Eagle Club updates back to the coach/sponsor and parents.
Follow Eagle Club’s Facebook/Twitter accounts and re-post/re-tweet all Eagle Club social media.
Act as a liaison between Eagle Club and their club, soliciting support, volunteers, and participation in various events and activities throughout the year as needed.
Sign up their group to work the required number (or more) concession shifts during the year and ensure that they recruit parent volunteers from their group to work those events. All sports, band, choir, and orchestra are required to work at least 3 concession shifts. All other clubs or activities are required to work at least 1 shift.
Be sure the group asks for permission, in writing, for any equipment which the group would like to borrow from Eagle Club at any time. This includes Square credit card readers, concessions equipment, supplies, or product.
Keep general notes for subsequent PR's to use as reference.
Set a tone of active, consistent, positive communication for your group.
Communicate any donation requests from your group to Eagle Club to be voted on by the EC Executive Board.
In the unlikely event of issues which cannot otherwise be resolved, Activity Chairs may be removed from their position by a majority vote of the Eagle Club Executive Board.
Eagle Club is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. A copy of the tax ID document is available for members on the Eagle Club website and should be used when making purchases.
Parent Reps Will:
Ensure that the financial ledger for the club represents any money which has gone in/out of the account and is accurate to the best of their knowledge. If a detailed monthly ledger is desired, please request from eagleclubtreasurer@outlook.com, otherwise they will be provided at the end of each athletic season.
Approve all requests for funds from the club’s account, and submit them, along with appropriate receipts, to Eagle Club Treasurer for reimbursement or payment.
Requests for funds must be made within 30 days of the date of purchase. Do not save up requests and submit them all at once.
Cash advances for purchases will not be made. Please purchase the items and submit a reimbursement request.
Requests must be submitted electronically using the current form found on the Eagle Club website AND must either be signed by the coach/sponsor, or be copied to the coach/sponsor who must REPLY ALL to the email with “APPROVED.” Until the final approval email is received, the request will not begin to be processed which may result in delay of payment.
Payment may take up to 30 days once final approval is received, although we will try to pay more quickly if possible.
Please do not email the Eagle Club Treasurer to check on the status of a payment or reimbursement until 30 days have passed.
Taxes will not be reimbursed.
Note that when a group is utilizing the Eagle Club Square credit card readers, deposits to your account will not be immediate. Square typically processes charges 1-3 business days later, deducts fees, and also may process transactions in batches, so the amount you are expecting from your event may be slightly different than what is deposited in your account. Eagle Club will only deposit the amount processed by Square.
The Eagle Club operates as a not-for-profit entity. Funds are raised by membership, concessions, fundraisers, and donations. The General Budget funds activities such as staff dinners, staff appreciation week, scholarships for seniors, grants for staff, and activities aimed at enhancing the high school experience and affecting as many staff and/or students as possible.
Each organization, sport, and club also have the means of fundraising and collecting donations under the Eagle Club’s 501(c)3 status. Eagle Club has in place an extensive tracking policy for monies collected and allocated to which each organization must adhere.
Each organization, club, and sport within the Eagle Club has equal representation, regardless of size. Eagle Club recognizes there may be occasional requests for extra financial support from the General Budget of Eagle Club. The funding for each organization, club, and sport will be primarily generated from their individual efforts.
If a request is presented to the Eagle Club Executive Board for consideration, the following considerations will be considered:
Status of the general funds will be verified by the Treasurer – are there funds available in the group’s Eagle Club account?
It this is a true need or wish?
How many students/faculty/community individuals will benefit from this request?
Has the organization made or are they making any effort to raise funds on their own?
Is the request something the district should be funding?
Does the request benefit existing students currently enrolled at LNHS (required)?
Are their appropriate funds in the approved Eagle Club budget to pay out the request?
Once a request is presented in writing, the President of the Eagle Club will talk with the lead administrator regarding the request. If the request is something that should be handled by the school, the request will be turned over to the school. If the request is approved by the Lead Administrator, but not appropriate for the school budget, the request will be presented to the Executive Board of the LNHS Eagle Club where the following will happen:
Any request being presented to the LNEC, regardless of the financial amount, must be discussed and voted on by the LNEC Executive Board Officers.
If the request falls within the approved Eagle Club annual budget, the Executive Board vote will be final.
If the request requires reallocation or increasing of funds to the approved annual budget, the request must be approved by the general membership at the next Eagle Club meeting.
The criteria above will be taken into consideration by all who vote in making their decision.
Approved requests will be paid by the Treasurer and will require an accompanying request for funds as outlined above.
At the discretion of the coach/sponsor, the parent rep may also*:
Help the coach/sponsor set a budget for the group for the year based on the balance of their EC account and planned fundraising activities.
Assist with uniform/equipment distribution.
Assist with team meals for away games or other reasons.
Assist with planning of the end of season banquet/festivities.
Email/text parents of the group with coach/sponsor updates.
Assist with maintaining the group Facebook, Instagram or Twitter accounts.
Request donation items from local businesses or suppliers for use by your group (a letter can be provided to the donor for tax purposes).
*These tasks may be performed by the Parent Rep themselves, or by soliciting help from other group parents. Parent Reps should meet with their coach/sponsor to discuss these or other responsibilities.